Jeremiah | Birth

When I first talked to Katie about getting induced she said that her doctor was expecting baby to come around dinner time. But when Mark texted me around 10:00am that things were moving faster than expected so I headed up to the hospital. Within 1 hour of me getting there Jeremiah was welcomed into the world at 11:32am. From the moment I walked in the room you could just feel the peace and calm. They had worship music going in the background and they were just relaxed and ready for this little boy to come.

When I talked to Katie about what they were hoping for with their birth photos of Jeremiah her main request was that I captured Mark’s face when their son was born. She told me about how when their oldest Doris was born he cried he was so in love with his new little girl. When I talked to Katie about what they were hoping for with their birth photos of Jeremiah her main request was that I captured Mark’s face when their son was born. She told me about how when their oldest Doris was born he cried he was so in love with his new little girl.

It was fun to get to do Jeremiah birth two days before Titus’ 1st birthday. It feels like that day was so long ago and just yesterday since we were there ourselves. I also got to reminisce in the way that Katie had the same nurse that caught Eli and the same room he was born in.

April 22, 2019

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