Snowy Family Portraits at Vedauwoo

Lindsay and I love taking family photos and we love taking family photos and we love taking family photos of our families. This last photo session taken in November was a lot of fun and it gave us the opportunity to give back to my family who supports our family and our business on a regular basis. They have always been there for us and we are grateful to have them in our life.

It was a cool brisk afternoon with the sun shining and some clouds in the area as we pulled up to our favorite fall mini area right next to the Turtle Rock formation in Vedauwoo. As usual we gathered our gear with one extra item, which was our camera tripod. You find out why along the story. Soon after taking some practice shots and checking our lighting we began taking photos of our clients, who are my family the Johnsons.

As we were finishing the last 10 minutes of the photo session, the Wyoming weather changed rather quickly with clouds rolling in and snow beginning to lightly fall in the background. While some photographers would be annoyed, Lindsay and I just kept taking photos and recording everything we could hoping the lighting wouldn’t be too dark to fix in Lightroom later. With the snow falling more intensely now we joined in for a big family shot. So, we set up the tripod with our camera at just the fight height and angle. Then we set a 5 second timer between each picture and captures some fun snowy memories and some breath-taking Wyoming photos.

After the photo shoot, we were eager to look at the photos and begin lightening up the photos with cloud cover and snow. To our delight the photos turned out even better than we though. After delivering the photos to my mom, she placed a large print order for Christmas cards and photos to hang on her wall directly though out store tied to the gallery. The best part was that she didn’t even need my help to place the order. Now when ever I’m over at my parents house, when I see the large picture they hung on the wall, it reminds me of an iconic western photo that represents Wyoming brand we live for.

February 21, 2023

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